Argentina: “Alien Spaceship” Allegedly Lands at Arroyo Leyes

[Photo: Nestor Rivoira standing in the dead center of the strange marks that appeared near his property in Arroyo Leyes, Santa Fe, Argentina]
Source: Diario UNO (Santa Fe, Argentina)
Date: 01.21.09
Argentina: “Alien Spaceship” Allegedly Lands at Arroyo Leyes
Nestor and Sara were asleep at home when “a very loud report” woke them up. Hours later, they found strange holes in the ground; experts are looking into the case.
The event occurred on January 14 at approximately 3:00 a.m. while the owners of the property, Nestor Rivoira and Sara Fernandez, his wife, were asleep. It lasted for ten minutes.
They claim that “a very loud report” woke them up. “It was similar to [the sound] made by a flamethrower. I tried getting out of bed to see what was going on, but something kept me from moving,” Nestor told Diario UNO. Sara also added: “I heard the same thing, and I also heard one of our eight dogs, but what surprised me the most was that instead of jumping over the fence and heading to the source of the disturbance, the dog either remained very quiet or else was scared on the other side of the fence.”
Neither Nestor nor Sara had the will to to see what was going on from their bedroom window: something was keeping them from “getting out of bed”, as they told Diario UNO. It was for this reason that they only heard the thundering sounds from the bedroom. It was only two days after the event, in the morning, that they ventured out to see if there was something near the site, just to assuage their curiosity, and to see if some animal may have been involved. It was there that they became aware of some marks at the edge of the river.
“I was greatly surprised. We thought at first that the marks could’ve been made by an ATV, as there are many in the area. But then we dismissed this idea, since they weren’t prints, but rather something created with an object that irradiates heat. If you look at them closely, there is no vegetation in the circumference, only dry, dead soil, different to what we can see around,” added Mr. Rivoira.
The marks that can be seen on the soil are two perfect circles, measuring a total of three meters in diameter and three centimeters deep (according to Carlos Villegas, who specializes in the science of paranormal phenomena)
Another characteristic is that there is no vegetation on the circles. It was totally burned, with nothing but dessicated soil left behind. “When we saw the marks and thought about extraterrestrials, we were afraid to say so, lest we be considered mad. We decided to call our friendliest neighbors and show them the prints. When everyone told us the same thing, we discussed it in the community and that’s how everyone started showing up,” explained Sara.
Experts in this discipline are currently studying the phenomenon, but have already said that an extraterrestrial object was involved.
(Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez)
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