Colombia: Alleged UFO Over Isla Baru

Source: Diario El Tiempo (Colombia)
Date: 01.20.08
Colombia: Alleged UFO Over Isla Baru
A photograph of Arminta Gutierrez, taken in the isle of Baru by her granddaughter Gabrielle Calderon, shows an unidentified flying object in the upper left hand corner. Another photo was taken by Milton Diaz, a photographer for El Tiempo, while on assignment in the town of Cumaribo (Vichada). Both photos were taken within the past six months – the Diaz photo was taken on June 26, 2008 at 9:00 p.m. on a clear, starry night.
“The greenish object was shaped like an inverted diamond and moved slowly. It took about 2 minutes to come down from the sky and lose itself in the horizon,” says Milton. Ufologists determined that this was indeed a UFO.
The photo taken by Gabrielle Calderon, 9, is dated the 3rd of January. She was taking a snapshot of her grandmother Arminta next to a small sailboat that arrived on the beach of the island of Baru (Caribbean Sea) where the girl and her grandmother had been camping for 10 days. The photo was taken at 12 noon in broad daylight.
Although the sky was completely blue, neither Arminta nor Gabrielle felt or heard anything moving in the air above them. “All you could hear was the sound of the waves,” recalls Arminta.
Days later, after developing the photos in Bogotá, grandmother and granddaughter found a strange object hovering very near them. “When the photos were enlarged, one could clearly see a lentil-shaped object, completely golden underneath and dark above. These things confirm that we’re not alone in the world and that there’s life to be discovered in the universe,” says Arminta.
“Using a special program,” says researcher William Chavez, “we learned that it’s an object of unknown provenance, measuring approximately 5 meters long by 2.5 meters wide.” Chavez is the director of Contacto Ovni para America Latina.
”I don’t like to speculate, but the photo taken in Baru shows an wingless, rivetless artifact. It could be a monitoring probe launched from a larger object in Earth’s atmosphere. It would be very hard to state that it’s manned by some kind of entity.”
The Baru UFO brings up to three the alleged UFO sightings in 2009: The first was in Mexico on January 2nd; on the 7th, a group of eyewitnesses saw another in Los Angeles, and on 24 December 2008, an unidentified flying object was photographed over Milan, Italy.
(Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez)
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