Mexico: A Mysterious Object Flies Over Progreso

Source: Diaro Poresto
Date: 01.20.09
Mexico: A Mysterious Object Flies Over Progreso
By Julio Jimenez Mendoza - newsroom
PROGRESO, Yucatan, 19 January – Around 20:30 hours on the 18th, residents of the port and part of the coast were bewildered by the presence of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the sky moving from west to east.
The object, which had an intense glow similar to that of an airliner spotlight, was seen at low altitude, but without making any noises suggestive of an engine. The object was moving into the wind and its light was very powerful; no one was able to explain what really flew over the port on the night of the 18th.
Reporters witnessed the phenomenon along the Progreso-Chicxulub highway, as they covered the story of a runaway motorboat, as reported in a separate article. Several persons emerged from their dwellings to witness this phenomenon as it moved eastward.
The event was the talk of the evening at cafés and several areas of the port, and will certainly be the source of comments during the day.
POR ESTO! requested information from the Pescador fire station to see if any calls had been recieved, but the smiling dispatcher dismissed the whole situation as a prank, when in fact, the unidentified flying object was seen by dozens of witnesses.
(Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez. Photo courtesy Ana Luisa Cid)
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