Argentina: A UFO in Suco (Córdoba)?

Source: CIUFOS-La Pampa
Date: 02.09.11
A UFO in Suco
By Raul Oscar Chaves
This photograph was taken in the month of October 2009 from Cerro Suco, located in the vicinty of the town bearing the same name.
Conrado Pinamonti, a resident of Suco who was touring the Cerro, detected the movement of an unidentified flying object, obtaining the image presented here. Upon downloading it from his camera, he noticed to his surprise that it displayed an imprecise shape: it was saucer-shaped and noticeably large.
The existence of several bag silos -- employed for harvest grain storage purposes, as a part of rural tasks -- can be seen under [the object]. These silos have measure between 70 and 90 meters.
Likewise, but performing a comparative analysis and employing the height of the larger trees visible, which are around 20 meters tall, it becomes possible to determine that the object in question is at an altitude of between 150/200 meters, with an approximate length of 70 meters.
(Translation (c) 2011 S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Conrado Pinamonti and Raul Gregorat)
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