Argentina: Another UFO over Salta

Source: Diario 24 (Argentina)
Date: 06.07.11
ANOTHER UFO. Journalist Nestor Sanchez captured the object on film and expressed surprise.
In Salta, a journalist manifested his surprise at having photographed a UFO. The event occured on National Highway 51 at an altitude of some 3200 meters on the Chorrillos slope, a location some 180 kilometers west of the capital city of Salta.
The man who took the photo is Nestor Sanchez, who formed part of a caravan of vehicles on its way to the Chilean city of Antofagasta with the goal of promoting road travel along said road.
According to Salta's "El Tribuno" newspaper, Sanchez explained that he photographed the obejct using a "high speed Nikon D90 camera". "I shot a sequence of images and the object appeared in one of them. It was not recorded by the human eye probably due to the fact that it flew at a high rate of speed," he explained.
Describing himself as "a skeptic when it comes to the subject," the financial columnist for Salta's Channel 11 said he was "surprised". "If one enlarges the image, you have the certainty of facing something manmade. I first thought it could be one of the F-16s of the Chilean Air Force, patrolling the area, but it wasn't. I'm impressed. Sanchez is also the host of a radio talk show on Radiodos, FM 93.
The image was taken on the first of the month (06.01.11) shortly after 11 a.m.
(Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)
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