Peru: Three Alleged UFOs Fly Over Chimbote, Captured on Video

Source: El Popular (Peru)
Date: 14 May 2016
Peru: Three Alleged UFOs Fly Over Chimbote, Captured on Video
It was a warm day in Chimbote when people looked at the Moon, only to see three unidentified flying objects (UFOs) flying over the port city's skies.
Journalist Paul Meza published one of the sightings that startled the population on his Facebook Page.
"At around 4:40 in the afternoon I have seen up to two UFOs, but I'm told there were three. The ones I saw were orbiting the moon," said the journalist to a local Chimbote radio station.
The flying objects look like horizontal cylinders and executed circular movements.
The video shows them as being static and not making strange movements in the air. This, however, seemingly caused more expectations among onlookers.
But these UFOs could be balloons belonging to Google's Project Loon, which seeks to bounce internet signals from the stratosphere for cellphones all over the world. The main beneficiaries of this technology would be the planet's most remote areas.
[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU, with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
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