Spain: "I Saw a UFO" (1975)

Source: PLANETA UFO and
Date: 08.17.2016
Spain: "I Saw a UFO" (1975)
Over 40 years ago, Murillo had become news due to a particular event. A local resident, Doña Andrea, told Diario LA RIOJA in August '75 that she had seen a UFO. The 51-year-old woman claimed having seen it close at hand and at high speed. Unfortunately, these phenomena are always accompanied by a vague description. But in Andrea's own words: "Those who want to believe it are free to do so."
-- Editorial comment from Diario La Rioja
As Round as A Hat and as Shiny as Silver
By Luis Sáez, Diario La Rioja, August 1975
Murillo remains a hotbed of curious news items. Yesterday we visited this locality to interview Mrs. Andrea Esteban so she could elucidate on her strange sighting of a "UFO".
Doña Andrea, who lives in the town of Murillo, takes care of some animals that she has. One fine day she was walking in the company of a friend when she was startled by a strange object crossing the sky.
"Where did you see it, exactly?"
"I was walking along the Agoncillo road when we saw it fly over the road toward Zaragoza. My neighbor didn't get to see much of it."
"What was it like?"
"It was round, just like a straw hat, and as shiny as silver. It was also rather large."
"How fast was it?"
"Hard to guess, just like the size, but I figure it was going very fast."
"Do you know what it was exactly?"
"I don't know if it was a flying saucer. I only know that it was so shiny it was blinding us."
"Can you give us any more details?"
"Unfortunately, no. I already told my neighbor that it was a shame that we weren't able to get a closer look."
"Were you scared?"
"No, no. I've already told you that I wish it had flown right beside us. I wouldn't have been scared like other people who've seen those machines."
"Do you believe in flying saucers?"
"I've always maintained that when so many of us have seen "UFOs" there has to be something to it."
"Have you told your neighbors?"
"Only a couple of people, so I haven't been looking for celebrity."
Doña Andrea says she's currently 51 years old and isn't lying about her age. Those who want to believe are free to do so, Doña Andrea adds.
[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
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