
Monday, August 20, 2018

Argentina: A UFO in Downtown Salta?

Source: El Tribuno and Luis Burgos (FAO / ICOU)
Date: August 15 2018

Argentina: A UFO in Downtown Salta?

At approximately 13:00 hours today at the intersection of San Martín and Peatonal Florida, there were several witnesses to the manifestation of a UFO. Spectators were at first unsure if it was an airplane or a similar vehicle, crossing the limpid blue skies at noon. Later, given its strange motions, they realized they were face to face with a strange phenomenon.

Thus it was that some of these witnesses managed to record the object and its capricious movements on their cellphones. One of its sides lit up and turned off, as they noted and as can be seen in the video captures. At the time, the witnesses realized that it wasn't one vehicle engaging in the strange maneuvers but two of them. The event, which lasted 10 minutes, ended with both objects disappearing.

Soon after, another witness drew everyone’s attention to another two objects floating the sky, farther away and West of the city, moving slowly. These looked like diminutive balls of light that at times appeared to be static. Finally one of them disappeared and the other began to rise until it disappeared. The total estimated time of the sighting was 15 minutes.


[Translation (c) 2018 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to El Tribuno and Luis Burgos)