This is the journal of the Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU), presenting UFO and paranormal cases from Spain, South America and the Caribbean
Friday, July 16, 2010
Reflections on the UFO Phenomenon
Reflections on the UFO Phenomenon
By Oscar A. "Quique" Mario, CEUFO
The UFO presence is, in of itself, an unknown phenomenon that obsesses many, is of no interest to others, and is treated with indifference by a significant segment of the population. Within this framework, it is important to acknowledge the fact that there are places where the phenomenon occurs massively on any given day of the year. Conversely, there are places where it is practically unknown.
Man (as always) endeavors to be the protagonist, removing the subject from center stage to place himself in the limelight, either rebuffing or praising the phenomenon. Both stances are equally harmful when it comes to gaining an understanding of the phenomenon, and they are also harmful for unwary readers who come across an article by sheer chance, and form their opinions according to the author.
UFOs are not a matter of faith, of believing or not believing, but rather, of coldly analyzing their origin and understand the reasons for their manifestations on Earth.
To understand the phenomenon, one must try to see it firsthand, with genuine eyewitness accounts, gathered at the places where they occurred and not analyzed from thousands of kilometers away.
A new antinomy and interpretation is suggested here by field investigators and desk researchers.
There are alleged "enlightened" researchers, self-proclaimed "skeptics" who from their armchairs qualify and disqualify cases that have taken place anywhere in the world, without the slightest knowledge of the mindset of the people they are discussing.
With thirty years of field investigation experience behind me, I have also resorted to reading many "reports" and interpretations made by "illustrious" characters, betraying a complete lack of knowledge of the area where the cases took place -- the weather, for example -- and they were far from experiencing either heat or cold at the scene of the events.
In one instance, I was in the midst of an interview with the witness to a well-known case when I received a phone call from a "desk researcher" who was trying to secure details to pass them along as "an exclusive" to the major media. The difference here can be found in that the field researchers involves him/herself in the condition of the witnesses to an episode related to the phenomenon, using the technical support offered by scientists, cross-checking data with past cases, and being in constant consultation with experts in order to find an explanation to the event.
It is essential for researchers to be humble when faced with a case, and this position must be assumed in particular by the "renowned" researchers who say yea or nay, discussing things they never saw, that happened hundreds or thousands of miles away and which do not fit into their presumably scientific mindset.
At this point, individuals of this sort become part of the constellation of "opinion-givers" who seek to create a myth around a subject that is considered highly natural in some places, given their unusual frequency.
As long as trends (which are man-made) rage between existence or non-existence, belief or disbelief, the phenomenon continues to make its presence felt in some regions more than others -- and there is no answer to this, either.
Perhaps the time has come for humans to cease considering ourselves at the center of the universe, and humbly accept that our understanding is limited, and that it is possible that somewhere else, in another place, perhaps distant, perhaps less so, one or many civilizations are wondering the same thing.
(Translation (c) 2010, S. Corrales, IHU)