
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Argentina's 2018 UFO Flap - So Far

Source: Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO)
Date: 09.18.2018

Argentina's 2018 UFO Flap - So Far

Luis Burgos states
: According to our Decimal Hypothesis, which we have been developing since 1985 with great efficacy. It is very likely that an increase in UFO sightings will occur in Argentina and neighboring countries during 2018. Despite the fact that 2016 and 2017 were considerably lacking in sightings, using the TWO LARGEST UFO WAVES - 1968 and 1978 - would suggest a renewed saucer effect over Argentina. We must be mindful, because a "UFO Flap" brings with it a swarm of additional situations of all kinds in the heavens, waters and land.

Statistics for the phenomenon point out that all manner of events occur during each instance of a UFO Flap: Sightings, ground marks on fields, humanoid sightings, video and photographic evidence, mysterious skyfalls, atmospheric explosions, undersea objects, etc. In 2018 we also have cattle mutilations, which go hand in hand with saucer reports. For the time being, our Decimal Hypothesis remains strong.

Moreover - as a separate entry - the journalistic media, particularly in the interior, is offering a constant treatment of the subject, reporting everything that people are seeing in their respective regions. We would like to thank FAO and ICOU's members, consultants and collaborators. At the end of the year, of course, there will be an evaluation of cases and HIGH STRANGENESS events will be extracted.

[Translation (c) 2018, S. Corrales, IHU]