
Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Argentina: A Phantom UFO?

Source: Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía
Date: 10.09.2018

Argentina: A Phantom UFO?

Luis Burgos writes: "An interesting photograph taken at random on Sunday, October 7, at the Gualeguay River (Entre Rios) by Laura Marcocich of the Villaguay Kayak Club. It is not included in the 2018 wave by virtue of being an artifact not visually detected. It even bears a certain similarity with the object photographed in Tucumán and published by Javier López Posse (GIOT) which we include here (courtesy of Yamil López Bantar)."

For more information on the Tucumán photos, our readers are invited to visit:
Gualeguay is a location that has been featured regularly in INEXPLICATA:

Our thanks as always to Mr. Burgos and Guillermo Giménez.