Source: Los Andes (losandes.com.ar) and Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía
Date: 29 October 2018
Argentina: Potrerillos Resident Claims Seeing UFO Flying Over Lake
On Saturday, October 27 at 0940 am, Carlos Arenas was on his way to Potrerillos when he saw a phenomenon that captured his attention.
Using the zoom on his cellphone, he was startled to be able to see a light moving over the Potrerillos Dam. Carlos was able to capture the images with his cellphone and published them on Facebook, asserting that it was a UFO.
Arenas wrote: "UFO over Lake Potrerillos, yesterday, Saturday 27 October 2018. I photographed it at 09:40 from the bus as it exited the Potrerillos Tunnel. Its leftward movement is perfectly visible. It was cloudy at that time. Now Potrerillos has alien tourists!"
[Translation (c) 2018 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Luis Burgos, FAO]