Sunday, February 24, 2019

Argentina: Resident of Merlo Records Alleged UFO in Cordoba

Source: Planeta UFO and El Diario de la República (Argentina)
Date: February 23, 2019

Argentina: Resident of Merlo Records Alleged UFO in Cordoba

Christian Poce was out for a drive with his family when he managed to record an object hovering on a hillside. The incident took place on Wednesdey in the vicinity of Rio de los Sauces, Cordoba. He claims it was a UFO.

As the saying goes, believe it or bust. Last Wednesday, a resident of Merlo who was out for the day with his family captured a strange object hovering over a hillside.

According to Merlo's El Corredor Noticias, the phenomenon was recorded around 1800 hours and lasted a few minutes.

Ponce remarked that he was some 3 to 4 kilometers distant from the object, which was spherical and emitted lights as it hovered above a hill that forms part of the Comechingones Mountains, a location where such sightings are frequent.

"It turned on and off like a giant flash," the witness explained. He shot two videos in which the mysterious object is visible before rising into the air after a few minutes and crossing the sky before vanishing altogether.

[Translation (c) 2019 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
