
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Argentina: An Interesting Anedcote from Café Ufológico RIO54

Date: 07.30.2019

Argentina: An Interesting Anedcote from Café Ufológico RIO54

[RIO54 is a UFO/paranormal gathering hosted by MARIO LUPO and RUBEN MORALES in the Avellaneda district of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Its monthly meetings cover an impressive array of subjects with a variety of speakers. An interesting case involving police officers and missing time was featured in the most recent session, presented by Carlos Vales.]

“Carlos Vales brought up a case that occurred near Cachi that he investigated in the days when he formed part of the Hemisferios-CEFU UFO group. It was after 0400 hours on 9 May 2001. A police van had left the town of Cachi and was escorted by a luminous phenomenon during a considerable stretch of its drive along National Route 22. The light became visible upon entering the Recta de Tin Tin in the magical landscape of Los Cardones National Park.

“The van drove along with its beacons lit. Inside the vehicle were three police officers plus two women in custody who were to testify the following morning at a court in the provincial capital. The light appeared bent on pursuing the van. It hopped, changing position quickly, and always remaining within view of the policemen. There appeared to be a sort of interaction or play between the light and the witnesses. As it came closer, it was possible to see that it was an intensely white source of light surrounded by intermittent lights of various colors.

“The driver slowed down to allow the light to overtake it, but upon reaching Cuesta del Obispo, a place where the road narrows down between two mountains, the phenomenon placed itself in the middle of the road, barring passage.

“The police van’s engines and lights went off. The vehicle stopped on the berm. A hundred meters ahead, perhaps, the intense oval light illuminated the road and its size surpassed it on both sides, allowing its diameter to be estimated at some 30 meters (98 feet). The three officers began feeling intense heat. Five minutes later, the object rose into the air suddenly, making a buzzing sound and hovering, again in full view of the onlookers.

“The van was able to get moving again, but the officers began feeling ill, affected by headaches and vomiting that caused them to pull over several times during the journey. Upon descending Cuesta del Obispo, they saw the object on high yet again and felt afraid, because at that point the road becomes winding, requiring drivers to concentrate on the curves. Furthermore, there were fog banks present.
“They finally arrived in Salta an hour later than expected, although there is no information suggesting a ‘missing time’ episode. Carlos Vales and his team covered the same road with two of the law enforcement officers who witnessed the event in order to reconstruct the harrowing experience on-site.

Vales invited those present at Café Ufológico RIO54 to listen and take part in his “Enigmas 2019” program which can be heard on Wednesdays from 21:00 to 23:00 hours on Radio Atilra’s (General Rodriguez) Facebook page.

Our thanks to Messrs. Lupo and Morales for this information, and to Guillermo Giménez for posting it to PLANETA UFO.