Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Argentina: The Cerro Pajarillo Burn Mark



Source: Engimas Costa Rica (Costa Rica) and Planeta UFO (Argentina)
Date: 04.27.2021

Argentina: The Cerro Pajarillo Burn Mark

In 1986, residents of the province of Cordoba saw a craft that left a circle of burned grass measuring 100 meters in diameter on the side of the mountain. Since then, the "Pajarillo burn mark" turned into a worldwide UFO attraction.
The witnesses to what would become one of Argentina's most significant UFO cases were an old woman, Mrs. Esperanza de Gómez, her daughter Sara and her nephew Gabriel, age 11.
The events occurred in 1986 at Quebrada de la Luna, one of the spurs of Mt. Uritorco in the province of Córdoba. That evening, at 23:20 hours, they had finished playing a game of cards and were ready to turn in when a powerful bright light came in through the blinds of the only window in the house.
Sara was about to open the window, but she was paralyzed by fear. It would be her son Gabriel whose curiosity led him to take a look.
The boy would become the sole witness to what he would describe thus the next day: "I thought it was the Evil Light, because it came from the mountains. It got bigger and bigger and moved from one side to the other. Later, when the red light turned off, I got a good look. It was a round thing with windows. You could see the red light coming from the windows, and above it the light was clear."
The light vanished a minute later. Mrs. Esperanza, thinking that the light couldn't bode anything good, decided to go to bed and forget the event.
The following morning, the son of an old woman living nearby woke them up excitedly, asking to come see what had happened on the facing the house - a summit known as Pajarillo. It would be something that none of them had ever seen before: an enormous, perfect circle of charred grass (it was later ascertained to measure 100 meters (328 ft) in diameter)

[Translation (c) 2021 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Ariel Leiva and Guillermo Giménez]