Saturday, December 02, 2023

Puerto Rico: Three Interesting Cases By José A. Echeverria - ARGUS PR

Puerto Rico: Three Interesting Cases By José A. Echeverria - ARGUS PR

 Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, to everyone watching this broadcast on my YouTube Channel. Today I'm bringing you three very interesting cases, and let's start with the first one, involving Wilfredo Alicea, a resident of Sábana Grande. Wilfredo's case history involves sightings of various kinds, having recorded various objects in his home town of Sabana Grande. I understand that he recorded [rooster crows] - excuse the rooster crowing - it's all part of this. I live in the country, at home, and don't have a recording studio, unlike other YouTubers. Doing this without any filters.

As I was saying, there is a curious item of information about Wilfredo Alicea, and it's that he's been recording and photographing unidentified flying objects for a number of months now. Among them...well, you'll remember that the A-10 aircraft were here at a time...those Marines aircraft, although I'm not sure if they belong to the USAF. Anyway, they were doing fly-overs around Puerto Rico, and I have a video taken by Wilfredo that was uploaded to social media in which you can see an object. You see the airplane flying near the mountains of Sábana Grande, in fact, I'm not sure if he recorded it heading toward Sábana Grande  toward Guánica or from Guánica to Sábana Grande , because it's in the mountain area, the slope that rises toward Sabana Grande. I'm not sure in which direction the witness - Wilfredo - was headed. Wilfredo captured the visuals of the A-10 on his device, and realizes that the object is flying nearly parallel with the A-10 and then goes off in different directions. You'll see it in the video. The video is in raw form. He put several filters so you can see the object.

 Another case that Wilfredo's brought to my attention is that he relocated to Texas for employment, and as he was arriving, he witnessed an object over the house he would be staying in. He sees the object, records it, and a few days later, and records a fleet of objects. He photographed it. You'll be seeing the photographs. I enlarged them to improve visibility, as they are not readily visible in the original photo.

You'll also be seeing some photos taken recently, during this month of November [2023] by José Rivera, a resident of Peñuelas, friend of mine, who has also recently been taking photographs of unidentified flying objects. He took a chance photo around 6:38 in the evening, it was dark, around these parts its rather dark already at that time. It's nighttime already. What's unusual is that there's another witness who also claims having seen the same object, but this would've been a lot earlier, perhaps around 5 o'clock in the afternoon or thereabouts. This case will be interviewed by my friend Luiseppi Quiñones. We can say that the witness was a woman who happened to be at Mayaguez Mall at a chain store and then saw the object looking south over the mall parking lot. Making calculations of the parking lot's location and that specific store, I believe the object was in the vicinity of Boquerón and Cabo Rojo or near enough, but toward the coast. Therefore, if that sighting occurred earlier, it could be that the object seen earlier in Mayaguez is the same one seen in Peñuelas later that same day.

So that's the José Rivera case, which is interesting, and you'll be seeing the video showing this object's maneuvers.

So there's another case - a brief one - I just learned about yesterday. I'm going to change [the witness's] name as I wasn't given authorization to use their actual name, but I am authorized to disclose what happened some years ago. I'm going to use the name "Pedro Sánchez" as a pseudonym. This gentleman had an experience on the island of St. Croix [United States Virgin Islands]. He was in a carpentry workshop around 2007 - 2006, 7 or 8 perhaps. He was in the carpentry shop and heard a noise, something like a loud whistling sound, and when he turned to look, he saw two beings. Two entities holding hands - an interesting bit of information. Two entities holding hands, there was a difference between them that he ascribes to one being male and the other female. According to the witness's description, these beings stood more or less 3 feet tall, very tiny, with exceedingly long arms, four little fingers on each hand, and their skin was a light shade of brown. Do you know the color of salamanders?  Just like that, light. Cream colored, as he described it. Their eyes black, intensely black. One of the creatures pointed at something, over to the side. The witness looked to the place specified, and when he turned around, the creatures were no longer there. They were gone. As a curious aside, this person - in order not to forget the event - stamped it on a piece of construction lumber in the shop, drew it there, then coated it with varnish or lacquer to keep it from being erased. You'll see how he captured the image of the creatures he saw.

In fact, his brother phoned me yesterday. He brought the witness two plaques commemorating the episode of what he had seen years ago in St. Croix.

Well, friends, don't forget to sign up to my channel. Please hit the bell. If you have any interesting experiences to share, photos, videos, you'll see my information in the show notes. If the file is too large or with too many photos, you'll see a link to a friendly page where you can submit your file regardless of size. Then I'll be notified that there's a pending file for download.

My thanks to Luiseppi Quiñones for this new camera system I'm employing in making this video. See you soon.

[NOTE: The video material mentioned in the text begins at 11:55 with the Wilfredo Alicea video]



[Transcription and translation ©2023 S.Corrales, IHU with thanks to José A. Echeverría Martínez, Argus PR]