Argentina: Man Claims Seeing UFO in La Rioja

Date: 10/28/2008
ARGENTINA: Man Claims Seeing UFO in La Rioja (possible CE-2)
A man claimed seeing three unidentified flying objects as he drove his car. He said that his vehicle’s lights increased in brightness and his car radio turned off. This resident of La Rioja [saw the objects] while driving between Villa Union and Villa Cstelli, where he captured them on his cellphone camera.
According to his story, while driving near the site where excavations are being carried out on account of the “Marita” Veron case, the lights in his car increased dramatically in their brightness as the radio faded away.
“The music stoppped immediately and a powerful squealing noise was heard,” said the car’s driver. His identity was kept anonymous.
Next, he says that when the luminous object flew overhead “I immediately took out my cellphone to photograph them” adding that the spectacle “was lovely to see.”
(Translation (c) 2008 S. Corrales, IHU Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO).
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