
Monday, November 23, 2009

Chile: Catholic University Holds UFO Colloquium

Source: IIEE Chile
Date: November 23, 2009

Chile: Catholic University Holds UFO Colloquium

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 marks the date on which the 1st UFO Colloquium was held at the Universidad Católica de Temuco. The event was titled “Ovni el enigma pendiente (UFO: A Pending Engima) and featured researcher Raul Gajardo Leopold from the city of Angol. He presented a broad selection of images and discussed the subject before 200 students at the college auditorium.

The event was organized by students of the School of Pedagogy in Biology and Natural Sciences: Fernando Ruíz Quintana; Juan Manuel Neira Ferrada; José Eduardo Navia Solano, Karín Olivares Chávez y Gabriel Henríquez Añiñir Sagredo.

Discussions of the UFO subject in a university setting is always beneficial, as it broadens the established academic criteria, with every person in attendance being enjoined to draw his or her own conclusions. Furthermore, it is a subject that shares the daily lives of many people, who claim seeing the “unidentified”.

(Translation (c) 2009, IHU. Special thanks to Raul Nuñez, IIEE Chile)