Argentina: Disappointment - Not An Ucumar Zupai

We regret to inform INEXPLICATA readers that the carcass of the alleged Ucumar Zupai shot in the heights of El Crestón may prove to be an out-of-place ape and not the legendary creature. However, we congratulate Salta law enforcement for taking the matter seriously and for setting out into the wilderness with alacrity.
Source: El Tribuno (Salta, Argentina)
Date: 08.08.10
By Juan Antonio Abarzua and Pedro Sarmiento
Police officers from Metán, led by Deputy Chief Regino Monteros of Regional Unit 3, and consisting of criminalists from the force, firefighters and local infantrymen, brought back the remains of the strange mammal shot down by a rancher living in the heights of Cerro El Crestón, reviving the old legend of the Ucumar, a sort of "yeti" from the Salta Region.
The elements were guided by two sisters, Marian and Claudia Miranda, backwoodswomen, and walked seven hours to reach the site and five hours back, just to bring down the head and hairy carcass of this hitherto unknown specimen in the area.
All appears to indicate that it is a monkey, but it shall be necessary to investigate what kind, and if it is indeed an ape.
The animal was killed by a bullet fired by rancher Joaquin Sarapura, 53, who justified his actions by saying that the alleged anthropoid was causing damage to among his farm birds, raising new questions about the species in question, as it South American apes are not known to be carnivorous, and there is no record of their existence in that part of the country.
The southernmost apes known are the Caí monkeys, abudnant in jungle areas as widespread from Colombia to Misiones, although these have been seen at times in the "yungas" of Orán.
An analysis of the recovered body and head of the small beast indicates that its size was no greater than 70 centimeters.
The mammal has impressive fangs and was flayed by its hunter. It was shot at the Las Amarillas wilderness, approximately 41 kilometers west of the city of San José de Metan.
Expedition leader Sheriff Regino Monteros told El Tribuno that when they reached the Sarapura ranch, the rancher told him that he had killed the strange being following a spate of nocturnal raids upon his chickens, which it would devour. "We received exact orders from our superiors to unveil this mystery and recover the remains of the alleged Ucumar to subject it to study, and to determine scientifically and factually the species to which it belongs. Furthermore, it was done to restore peace to the population, as a sort of collective psychosis was unleashed in the rural areas, where the legend of the mysterious humanoid was renewed, and which has been the subject of sightings in the southern reaches fo the department for decades," said the senior officer, who declared categorically that all appears to indicate that [the specimen] is an ape, but that there has hitherto been no evidence of these animals' existence in the region. Therefore, there is still a mystery to unravel.
The remains of the small, large-fanged carcass were placed in a special package to be sent to the city of Salta, where they shall undergo expert analysis. This subject merited the opening of legal proceedings by Mario Dilascio, Second Judge of Instruction of the Southern Judicial District. The magistrate issued precise instructions to have the samples sent immediately to the capital city for their analysis by scientists, in order to conduct a precise classification of the anthropoid's characteristics, and to ascertain the reasons that apparently brought it so far from its natural habitat.
Unless it is a native, non-exotic mammal, hitherto unknown.
(Translation (c) 2010, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Mercedes Casas)
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