Mexico: UFO Over Tepoztlán?

Date: 05.31.11
Mexico: UFO over Tepoztlán?
Photos taken by Mario Enrique González on May 8, 2011
By Ana Luisa Cid
According to the witness: “I visited Tepoztlán and stayed at an inn. It was the inn’s owner who told me about the phenomenon, saying that they’d been seeing lights in the sky over Cerro del Tepozteco. That’s when I reached for my camera and tried to record a video, but was unable to do so, so I thought it best to activate the photo function. They were very strange objects, luminous. Some of them even resembled flying beings. I also observed a very long one, with a color I’d never seen before. It seemed to be made up of spheres, and appeared to have two arms, one longer than the other. It moved in a wave-like fashion. A lenticular vehicle drew my attention – it presented a lateral protuberance that looked like an antenna. It was a very nice shade of green. Minutes went by and some of the shapes vanished. Others flew very high up and more than passed near the town’s church. About seven of us witnessed the phenomenon, since the innkeeper was there with his family.”
Video of the full eyewitness video can be found at
(Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Prof. Ana Luisa Cid)
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