Argentina: Woman Claims Seeing UFO Over Rooftop
Source: Diario La Región (Loreto, Argentina)
Date: 10.07.13
Argentina: Woman Claims Seeing UFO Over Rooftop
“I know you won’t believe me, but what happened in the small hours yesterday morning is true. I’m used to getting up around 4 o’clock in the morning to collect water, because that’s the time it’s usually supplied around here. Suddenly, I looked toward the roof of my home and saw it was shaking. I called out to my husband, telling him there was an earthquake in progress, and to wake up the children and bring them outside. When I took a few steps further to see what was really going on, I was startled to see that there was a round thing floating over my roof, emitting a really sharp sound. I began to tremble, was left speechless for a few seconds and ran away. My husband also witnessed this. It later went off, flying far away and losing itself in the sky. I have no way of proving this, because my shock kept me from reaching to for my cellphone and taking a video or photo. I’m still frightened today by what I saw yesterday.”

This is the eyewitness testimony given by Besy Marilu Saboya Romaina, 25, who claims having seen a strange object floating over her rooftop, causing the corrugated roof to tremble. This event took place at AH Cardozo before the disbelieving eyes of some residents who could not believe what was happening at the time. “I thought it was cats running over the neighbor lady’s roof, as is often the case, but when we went outside, we saw it wasn’t that. Nearly everyone in the neighborhood heard the strange sound emitted by the vehicle and the sound made by the corrugated roof. It’s truly unbelievable, but it’s true,” said another local resident.
All of this has caused panic among the inhabitants of this sector, who hope it may only become part of an anecdote.
[Translation © 2013, S. Corrales, IHU, with thanks to C. Ampuero of La Región and Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
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