Argentina: Triangular UFO "Repeater" Over Rosario

Date: 10.19.2016
Argentina: Triangular UFO Over Rosario
Sighting Location: Rosario, Province of Santa Fe (Argentina)
Sighting Date: Monday, 3 October 2016
Time: 20:10 Hours
Witness: Oscar Bella
On Monday, October 3rd of this year, Mr. Oscar Bella saw three shining white lights in the sky moving simultaneously in unison forming a triangle that traveled silently in a circular pattern.
The witness states this is the first time he has any anything unusual in the sky, and was so startled by it that he decided to do a web search to find something similar to what he had seen over Rosario. He came across what the objects defined as triangular black UFOs.
Mr. Bella got in touch with Visión Ovni to see if others had witnessed these three lights or anything like them.
He also stated that he had hitherto not believed in UFOs, since hadn't seen one. [The event] changed his perspective as he learned that this set of three lights had been seen in many parts of the world.
Mr. Bella would also have a second sighting:
Sighting Location: Rosario, Province of Santa Fe (Argentina)
Sighting Date: Monday, 17 October 2016
Time: 20:05 Hours
Witness: Oscar Bella
Oscar Bella files a new sighting on Monday at 20:05 hours at the same place as the one two weeks ago.
The sighting location was above the intersection of Caferata and San Nicolás streets. The object displayed a greater number of lights than the previous one. On this occasion it was shaped like a boomerang and flew at a higher altitude.
Oddly enough, the event took place at the same date and time, witnessing it from the corridor of his own house as he set out to pick up his son.
We are looking for more witnesses to these two sightings to contribute new elements to the investigation. Should you be able to provide more information please contact
[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Andrea Perez Simondini, VISION OVNI and Guillermo Giménez, PLANETA UFO]
Note: For more information on UFO "Repeaters", please consult Timothy Green Beckley's The UFO Repeaters: Seeing is Believing. Order a copy from
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