J.J. Benítez: Fidel Castro's UFO and Others

Source: PLANETA UFO and El Grafico.Mx
Date: 10.01.2016
Article by Yohanan Díaz Vargas for El Gráfico
J.J. Benítez: Fidel Castro's UFO and Others
Renowned researcher and writer Juan José Benítez turned 70 this year on September 1st, 50 of which he has spent within journalism. By way of celebration, Editorial Planeta made the book "Solo Para Tus Ojos" (For Your Eyes Only) available in Mexico, with a selection of the 300 cases that have most startled the author of unidentified flying objects.
One of these cases -- on page 83 -- discusses a sighting by Fidel Castro before 1959, when the Cuban Revolution was up in the Sierra Maestra mountain range.
"I have seen one," Castro told Panamanian researcher Jose Luis Gil during an official event with Panamanian president Martín Torrijos.
"There we were, in the middle of the night," Fidel explained, "with our rifles on our knees. Then we suddenly saw a light darting among the stars. The light approached the group of commanders and poured over us like a bucket. It was round and enormous. The countryside and the mountains became illuminated as though it was daylight." This statement has caught the attention of the UFO community worldwide, given that it is a high credibility report from one of the century's most emblematic characters.
"Solo para Tus Ojos is the first installment of a trilogy. The second is written and the third is yet to be written, “says J.J. Benitez. "My intention was to collect a thousand cases from all over the world which caught my attention for some reason at the time, and which are unpublished events."
Benítez, who has sold almost nine million copies worldwide, added that "this book is an acknowledgement to all of the people who have followed me since 1972, forty-four years of uninterrupted research all over the world."
Juanjo, as he likes his friends to call him, is considered a living legend in UFO research and dissemination worldwide. An author who has gone around the world a hundred times, always after mysteries, enigmas and anomalous flying objects.
When asked about the conclusions of his research, he said:
"First and foremost is that the UFO phenomenon is true, the phenomenon is real, there is no doubt at all by those who have certain information at their disposal or have seen them. Second, is that "they" are not human. They do not originate from the Earth. They hail from multiple points of origin, galaxies, unknown dimensions to which we still lack access. Third, they have been here always. When we research history, cave art, mythology, we realize that this is indeed the case. They were already here at the dawn of time, and before that as well."
Solo para Tus Ojos also makes reference to cases that have taken place in Mexico, researched directly by Benitez in the vicinity of Mexico City's Mount Ajusco; Metepec in the State of Mexico and Guadalajara, Jalisco.
[Translation (c) 2016 Scott Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
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