Argentina: The Uncertain Fate of the Cachi "Ufoport"

Source: Planeta UFO and El Tribuno (Argentina)
Date: 11.22.2017
Argentina: The Uncertain Fate of the Cachi "Ufoport"
After learning that Werner Jaisly - the Swiss national who built the Chachi "ufoport" which shall hereinafter be under the jurisdiction of municipal authorities - had separated himself from the project, several readers contacted El Tribuno to obtain further information on the story.
The concern has to do with whether another infrastructure or some lookout spot will exist at the site to enable witnessing UFO sightings, which are quite frequent in the area.
The ufoport is an area created by Jaisly using white rocks, geometrically arrayed over a plain that allows for access to the mountain ranges north of Cachi, formations that are the foothills of the famous mountain that bears the same name as the community.
It was there - according to Werner's stories - that he had been telepathically contacted by alien beings one night in November 2008. They had ordered him to design a series of drawings making use of the local stone.
It was from this command that Jaisli began designing what became known at the time as a ufoport, a place where contact with beings for other planets could be made. The story excited seekers and followers of the UFO community and the site became another tourist landmark, which the municipality could exploit to its advantage. Not much is known about the eccentric Werner, only that people have stopped seeing him on the city's streets. Not much is known about his plans once he has left Cachi. Some believe he will go back to his country of origin.
"People stopped seeing him around town and the strangest theories were concocted. They even said he'd been taken away by flying saucers. That's not the case. He left because he was tired," says David Zuleta.
The complex Werner dubbed "La Esperanza" is some 4 kilometers distant from the community. It was very common to see this 70-year-old Swiss walking down the narrow streets, clad in the manner of a druid - those pre-Christian wisemen who specialized in the occult and philosophy. Werner had a pointed white beard, a black jacket with toggles made of deer horn, a mid-thigh wide skirt, a toque, and completed his outlandish outfit with a pair of cowboy boots. The place where he erected his works is called Fuerte Alto and occupies an area of approximately four city blocks. He outlined a star with thirty-six points, measuring 48 meters in diameter, containing a smaller star of the same color but with only 12 points. The entire construction is visible from above. He began working on it in 2008 and had it ready by 2012.
"I was at Fuerte Alto with my neighbor Luis. It was midnight on November 24, 2008. We could hear a celebration going own below in the Complejo Deportivo (sports complex). Suddenly there was silence. The power went out and we were in total darkness. 'It's a UFO night,' I said to Luis. No sooner had I finished saying those words when two luminous objects flew 200 meters over the Chalchaqui River. They were solid, circular and seemingly made of burnished metal. I don't know why, but I mentally asked them to come closer, and they did! They came down some 100 meters over our heads and bathed us in a beam of light that made us glow. What's odd is that it didn't harm our eyesight. Something bubbled in my brain. It was a command. I was being telepathically asked to build the spaceport," explained Werner.
[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Gullermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
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