Honduras: UFO Recorded Over San Pedro Sula

Source: Planeta UFO and Publimetro.com and La Netanoticias.com
Date: November 12, 2017
Article by Ivan Gomez
Honduras: UFO Recorded over San Pedro Sula
**A UFO flew over a major street in the San Pedro Sula region of Honduras. The event has been captured on video**
Some time ago, a citizen was driving to work through downtown San Pedro Sula, Honduras. He managed to record a UFO on his cellphone, and the recording has caused a stir on the Internet.
The man shared his discovery on social media as well as with Publimetro.com, and the news spread like wildfire. The video in question shows the unidentified flying object in detail. The recording also shows that the UFO was over a well-known store of San Pedro Sula's Tercera Avenida. It even seemed to disappear and reappear in the amateur video, as though playing with the person recording it.
The percipient even took advantage of the heavy traffic that is a trademark of the area in order to record the video, showing the unidentified flying object suspended over the skies of San Pedro Sula.
When the traffic light changed between avenues, the percipient kept driving and zoomed in on the paranormal phenomenon. What is curious is that the UFO appears to vanish completely from the recording on two separate occasions. The citizen also stated that other local residents were not aware of what was happening, or else chose to ignore it.
Hundreds of comments have been made on social media, saying it could be a hoax. Others, to the contrary, aired the popular theory about an alien invasion.
PHOTOS can be seen at: http://www.lanetanoticias.com/152466/ovni-captado-video-honduras
VIDEO can be seen at: https://www.facebook.com/aztecahonduras/videos/1461577467244708/
Photos and Video (c) TVAzteca
[Translation © 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO, and TVAzteca]
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