
Friday, March 16, 2018

Argentina: A UFO Over Rivadavia?

Date: 03.16.2018

Argentina: A UFO Over Rivadavia?

A reader of Tiempo de San Juan recorded the moment from the back of her house in the ATSA IV district. See the video and draw your own conclusions.

A constantly moving light - purportedly a UFO - can be seen in a video recorded by a reader of Tiempo de San Juan from the rear of her property in the ATSA IV district.

According to the woman, the light, which looks white in the video, was orange in color, sometimes changing to yellow.

She also noted that as she recorded, her cellphone was overcome by interference. An earth tremor took place no sooner than she'd finished recording. This fact was corroborated by the INPRES website (the 4.7 tremor took place at 21:00 hours).

Could this be a UFO? See the video and draw your own conclusions.


[Translation (c) S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez]