Spain: Concerning the Two UFOs Seen 42 Years Ago in Alicante

Source: PLANETA UFO (Argentina)and (Spain)
Date: September 23, 2019
Spain: Concerning the Two UFOs Seen 42 Years Ago in Alicante
On 29 December 1976 and 27 May 1977, many residents of Alicante saw unidentified flying objects in the sky.
Neither of the cases of sightings over Alicante recorded in 1976 and 1977 appeared in the files declassified by the Spanish Ministry of Defense in 2016, but they were so widely-known that they went on to have a significant presence on the pages of INFORMACION among other print media.
The first event took place on 29 December 1976, with this newspaper running as a headline the next day: "A UFO over Alicante?", adding that "it was seen by many people."
The news item on page 5 bore the title: "Did a UFO Fly over Alicante", adding that many eyewitness accounts 'coincided on the time and description of the strange object. This is the full transcription of that information in an article by Pirula Arderius.
"Unidentified flying objects are news yet again. Despite the caution with which thse subjects have been dealt with lately in the news media, and despite the fact that the incident could be a prank associated with the date [NOTE - In Spanish-speaking countries, the equivalent of April Fools Day is December 28], we must put on display the accounts of a number of people, a member of our Newsroom among them, who claim having seen a strange object flying at high speed over Alicante at five minutes before 2 a.m. yesterday, Wednesday.
A resident from the Vistahermosa district was the one who furnished us with the most detail. He saw - at the indicated time and not very high in the air - a strange spherical object that gave off powerful green flashes. The light it irradiated was so strong that it illuminated the landscape perfectly with a greenish tinge, as though it was daybreak. The strange object passed by Vistahermosa, crossed over the capital and became lost behind an apparent cloud between Tabarca and Cape Santa Pola. It all happened in a matter of seconds.
The airport also received many calls, asking if the phenomenon had been identified in its vicinity. The technical team in charge of probing weather phenomena did not add further details. It appears that no one in the control tower paid any attention ither, and there was no radar to provide a technical account of the strange object's transit, which exceeded the speed of sound.
Moreover, Murcia's "LĂnea" newspaper published a sidebar informing that many people - particularly those driving along the highway, had also seen the phenomenon over the city around two o'clock in the morning, and that a broad area had been "illuminated as though it were daylight" in a radius of twenty or thirty kilometers, by their estimation. All description characteristics were also in agreement."
On Page 15, a headline proclaimed: "A Strange Red Disk Was Seen Around Midnight", with a subtitle adding that "several people witnessed the transit, which lasted three minutes."
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