Mexico: A Chance UFO Sighting at Teotihuacan (1982)

A Chance UFO Sighting at Teotihuacan (1982)
Photographic evidence from renowned Mexican physician Adalberto Dom�nguez Valdes, taken in 1982 with an analog Kodak 110 camera.
Dr. Dominguez had already spoken earlier of this image delivered the material to me last Friday, February 24, 2006
Eyewitness Account:
" was in Teotihuacan with my wife, my children and my brother's family. We were on holiday and that's why I took several photos as a keepsake. My intent upon pressing the shutter was to have my family heading toward the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl, using the impressive ancient structures as a background. They can be seen on the far right within the photo.
"When I took the photo, there was nothing unusual to be seen and upon developing the roll of film, my brother became aware of the possible UFOs, since they are in fact three, forming a triangle, although the largest one is highlighted. We subsequently checked the negative and realized that they could also be seen. I then decided to make a blow-up of the image and now I have it hanging as a framed picture in my home -- a lovely reminder of my first chance UFO encounter."
(translation (c) 2006, S. Corrales, IHU)
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