Chile: Strange Lights Over the Andes

Source: NOUFA (Chile)
Date: April 12, 2007
Chile: Strange lights over the Andes
by Raul Núñez, IIEE
SANTIAGO – (Providencia). Patricia Lorena Lara is a secretary at a doctor’s office in the center of the Providencia district. She works from the highest floor of a modern building near General Holley street, where she has a truly impressive panoramic view of this part of the city. To the northeast she can see Cerro San Cristobal, completely surrounded by buildings in various stages of construction. From within the medical office in question, a large window shows a broad and beautiful view of the Cordillera’s foothills. It was from this window that Patricia Lorena has been seeing a very peculiar light that appears to emerge from the very heart of the mountain. After having seen the light for a given amount of time, she ascertained that it always appears at the same site, and has gleaned further information. It is a very powerful light at times and a very dim one at others, apparently following some sort of continuity in its reflections, perhaps even frequency intervals such as Morse Code or something similar. She has also determined that the lights repeats regularly on Thursdays, and that the approximate time of these observations is between 13:00 to 16:00 hours.
Up to this point it could all be dismissed as a curious observation and with a possibly normal explanation. But what makes this story unusual is that on Thursday, February 8, 2007, precisely at the time that the observations routinely occurred, a small cloud approached the mountain. There were other clouds visible, but this one stood out even more when the light projected from the mountainside went out and an oval-shaped light issued from the cloud, projecting itself at high speed along the mountains. To be more exact, we shall present her own account:
“[...] during the first week of February, it lasted about 4 minutes. It was incredible to watch. There was a small cloud on the mountainside. That’s when the light went out and it something like an oval-shaped white spot emerged and zoomed right past the mountains. It was unbelievable.”
Personnel from IIEE Chile is currently researching this case.
(translation © 2007, S. Corrales, IHU)
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