Argentina: Alleged UFO Over Balcarce

Date: 03.02.08
Source: Luis Burgos (FAO)
Argentina: Alleged UFO Over Balcarce
Luis Burgos of the Fundacion Argentina de Ovnilogia (FAO) writes: "Mar del Plata's La Capital newspaper presents the eyewitness account of Mr. Luis Arabia, a resident of the city of Balcarce (Bs.As) and a photo enthusiast, who took a series of five pictures of a Police Helicopter belonging to the province of Buenos Aires as it flew overhead. Upon downloading images to his computer, he noticed that three of the five images displayed the image of a strange flying object that was not visible when the photos were taken. What Arabia found striking was that the intuder appears in different positions in this photo sequence, near the helicopter, making it almost certain that the object was in motion.
"An analysis performed by Jorge Luis Figueiras, FAO's imaging specialist, yields the result of a disk shaped object with an interesting contour and solid aspect, presenting clarity in its upper section and shadows below, without deteriming the [alleged] UFOs distance and height. Modification of the color curves yielded circles of various colors around the figure's outline."
(Translation (c) 2008. S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)
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