Argentina: First Cattle Mutilation in Bs.As. 2008

Source: Planeta UFO and Diario Inforcosta
Date: 07.04.08
ARGENTINA: First Cattle Mutilation of 2008 in Buenos Aires
(Inforcosta) As reported by a Pehuajo veterinarian. This would be the year's first case in the province of Buenos Aires. Sixe years after the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASA) reported that the controversial and bizarre mutilations of cattle reported at the time throughout the country were the handiwork of the "Oxymycterus Rufus" rodent, better known as the red-muzzled mouse, a new case was reported on Monday in the Buenosairean locality of Mones Cazon, district of Pehuajo.
This was the information given by Alejandro Napuri, the Pehuajo veterinarian who came into contact with a dead, mutilated yearling at the "El Martillo" farm near the aforementioned town. "The incisions were irregular but not serrated. They were similar to the ones detected a few years ago in this area. Furthermore, there wasn't a single drop of blood at the site," explained the vet, adding: "Its tongue had been ripped out and the bone was exposed. This isn't an easy thing to achieve."
The event occured on Monday, exactly six years to the date of July 1, 2002, when Bernardo Cane, the head of SENASA, tried to extinguish the animal mutilation stories by pinning the slayings on "natural causes and subsequent carrion animal action." That was the end of the story, which was repeated by the national media. An official body had ruled on the subject, a fact that left hundreds of veterinarians stunned, as in most cases, they were unable to offer a certain and unequivocal explanation. In this regard, Napuri said that "the incisions observed have nothing to do with any mouse or predator."
At the time, some of the cases described were reported by cattlemen themselves, who also claimed "seeing lights" prior to coming accross the mutilated bovine.
(Translation (c) 2008, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO and Diario Inforcosta)
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