Argentina: UFO Fleet Allegedly Landed in Chicoana

Date: October 28, 2008
Argentina: Fleet of UFOs Allegedly Landed in Chicoana
By Jaime Barrera
Strange, deep marks left on three wheat fields. Hundred of witnesses reported the event to the police, but law enforcement gave it little importance.
The marks left on the fields measure nearly one meter deep and are geometrical in shape.
A series of strange geometric marks – circular and rectangular – allegedly left behind by UFOs that landed on three wheat fields in Chicoana: at Quebrada de Tilian, to the south of the community; at Pulares, to the west, and next to the Las Mesitas Camp Ground to the north. They have become the great mystery of this community in Valle de Lerma, 35 kilometers south of the capital.
The prints appear to have been made by the “legs” of enormous structures and were seen at dawn last Thursday, after an evening that to hundreds of witnesses was “unreal” because they were able to see “strange lights dancing” above the fields in question, although “at a given moment, they stopped their nearly-erratic movements and remain suspended at low altitude for a considerable amount of time, after which they took off and vanished over the horizon.” This was the description given by perplexed and astonished Raul Martinez, a local resident from San Cayetano, two miles from the Las Mesitas Campground and of one of the wheat fields that was marked with the peculiar cracks.
“We saw the first lights with my son around 3 a.m. and tried to film them, but curiously, our cellphones stopped working, as though they had no batteries in them. It was a wild succession of flashing colors that died down and appeared to form part of an enormous framework. I saw this phenomenon for five minutes. Later, whatever landed on the field, the source of the flashes, took off and went away at an astonishing speed. Our cellphones worked normally after that,” explained Martinez.
Moreover, students from the Maria Valdivieso Rural School #588 in Villa Fanny, at Quebrada del Tilian, seven kilometers south of Chicoana, also witnessed the phenomenon, which took place at a considerable distance from the northern accessway to the locality. Its characteristics were nearly identical. “We tried to phone the police to report what was happening, but our cellphones wouldn’t work.”
“The spectacle lasted around five minutes and no one could record the images because our cameras weren’t working,” said another student. The next day, they discovered the same geometric shapes in one of the wheat fields.
But that wasn’t all: six kilometers west of Chicoana, in the vicinity of Pulares, locals also claimed having seen a light show that took place during the same span of time and at the same hour. A seal identical to the other two was left behind here. Impressions measuring a meter or more in depth and of equally unexplained origin.
It is interesting to note that the vertexes of the three “affected areas” can form an isosceles triangle, so to speak. At the triangle’s heart can be found the infamous La Candelaria and El Antigal mountains, the scene of three fatal air accidents, all of them caused by unexplained systems failures.
The Villa Fanny shelter school has 100 students. That night, 80 of them were present and all claim having witnessed the luminous phenomenon. Neighbors of the little school say that animals hid when the lights manifested, even though no noise was heard.
Residents of Chicoana as well as numerous tourists pulled up in their cars on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to photograph and look at the strange marks that were left on the wheat field located next to the access road to the town.
Federico Arnaldo Gutierrez, a technician with Nortevision Satelital, a local TV station, was one of the few who crossed the barbed wire fence and inspected the marks. “It’s very odd. The soil looked like something extremely heavy had landed on it. Wheat was flattened but not cut. There were no signs of burning or anything similar, only the geometrical marks.”
Graciela, a biology instructor who also arrived with her camera to take pictures of the figures left behind in the fields, remarked: “This area has a wealth of strange phenomena and UFO sightings. Remember that over the past 15 years three aircraft plummeted from the sky and in all cases, the reasons were the same. Their instruments stopped working, just like what happened to those who saw the colored lights on Thursday morning and tried to photograph them, but couldn’t because their instruments didn’t work.”
Authorities with the Chicoana Sheriff’s Department did not comment. One law enforcement officer, who asked to remain anonymous because “I’m about to issue a personal opinion that shouldn’t be construed as an official story” informed El Tribuno that many remarks “had indeed been received about the situation, but no one wants to make a written complaint. In my opinion, all of these marks are the result of wind and rain.”
However, after consulting the weather bureau, there was no precipitation or strong wind during previous days or on the days that the events occurred. And should this be the case, why were the marks only on three wheat fields and not all of them, which can be found in the hundreds?
José Silva, principal of School 558, whose students witnessed the events, ventured an opinion: “I’ve lived here for ten years and had never seen marks like this. I reject the possibility that they were caused by nature or made by someone. It’s weird, very weird.”
Children living in the shelter also told El Tribuno that those of them with cellphones, and who saw the lights, tried to take pictures and couldn’t. “My aunt,” said Pedro, 13, “lives near the school and has a video device. The same thing happened to her. It didn’t work, as though its batteries had run out.”
Silva adds: “I never saw anything like it. If people are saying that the prints were produced by the lights, let’s be clear about one thing: lights are weightless,” concludes the principal.
(Translation (c) 2008, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Luis Burgos and Guillermo Gimenez)
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