Argentina: A UFO Over Gualeguaychú

Source: Vision Ovni
Date: 11.18.08
Argentina: A UFO Over Gualeguaychú (February ’08)
Silvia Pérez Simondini writes: “Lately, we have been very pleased to receive photographs form our readers. In this case, we were sent a photo by Elias Agustin Nieto, taken in a field in Gualeguaychu, Province of Entre Rios, on February 17, 2008 at 11:50 a.m. at Costa Uruguay Norte.
The photo was analyzed and we are publishing the corresponding analysis. The image was accompanied by the following descriptive e-mail:
“Hello, Silvia! I’m Elias. Look, I’m sending you another photo I took at the same place as the one before, which showed the cigar-shaped craft, also using my mom’s camera. I was in a field belonging to some friends of my parents and took a photo of the (clear) sky, and that’s when I was startled: the upper right hand corner shows what appears to be a flying saucer. It looks very clear, since a white thing can be seen on top and a black line underneath, one supposes it is something metallinc. Furthermore, there’s a black dot to the left of the craft. Could this be another vehicle? Here’s the information:
PLACE: Costa Urugay Norte (Former Route 14)
Time: 11:50
Date: 02.17.08 City: Gualeguaychú, Prov: Entre Rios
Best regards,
Elias Agustin Nieto
(Translation (c) 2008, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)
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