Mexico: Unusual Object over Mexico City

Date: March 3, 2009
Mexico: Unusual Object over Mexico City
By Ana Luisa Cid
Attorney Sanchez Rosales, who is also a skywatcher, has continued to document the UFO phenomenon from his rooftop.
On this occasion, he presents a very interesting video that shows a luminous object that appears to lack a defined shape.
The recording was done on February 16, 2009 at 16:40 hours.
As part of our investigation, we made comparisons with "globos de luna", as this would be a possible explanation. However, there are two aspects to be highlighted:
a) The object appears to make an abrupt change of trajectory when it moves very quickly toward another location (at 1:05)
b) It acquires a certain morphology that is hard to identify.
Like the witness, our position is to maintain objectivity, as we know that objects seen at a distance may lead us to confusion.
We believe that it may be a UFO, based on the foregoing descriptions. However, any opinion is valid at this point.
You be the judge:
(Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Ana Luisa Cid)
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