Friday, October 23, 2009

Argentina: UFO Over the Expressway

Source: Planeta UFO
Date: 10.23.09

Contributing editor Guillermo Gimenez sends us the following picture and information:

13042009 133515 San Luis
This photo was taken on an expressway from San Luis to Mendoza by Mrs. Susana Gonzales of Bahia Blanca. When reviewing photos on the computer, she found this very special one and has submitted it to us for analysis.

This was a difficutl task. Several computer resources were applied to extract what can be seen in the photo, but this was sufficient to classify it as a UFO. The photo is genuine.

The UFO seen here is oval, solid, which a metallic chromatic reflex, UV reflection (non-absorbent) and light/shadow effects that outline its profile. Since it was not seen in plain sight, there is no further information to be contributed, but upon analyzing the camera's high shutter speed - 1/2000 - and the pixellation, we can ascertain that it was moving very quickly and at an altitude of 1000 meters (the object was large).

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P80 fecha 13/04/2009 13:35:15
DF; 36,9 mm
Diaphagm: F/6,3 mm
Shutter: 1/2000 “
Segment light measurement without compensation, ISO600 sensitivity.

(Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to CICOA - Comunidad Investigativa Cientifica OVNI en Argentina)