Fabio Zerpa: “In the ‘70s, There Were UFOs Removing Uranium from Frías”

Source: El Liberal (Argentina)
Date: 01.27.2010
Fabio Zerpa: “In the ‘70s, There Were UFOs Removing Uranium from Frías”
Ufologist recalls a “spaceship” extracting uranium from the vicinity of Frías in the 1970s.
[The community of] Santiago del Estero was graced yet again by a new sighting of an unidentified flying object (UFO) framed against the sun, an identical copy to the phenomenon photographed and filmed by a resident of the city of Loreto last Sunday. On this occasion, the sighting occurred in La Banda and was recorded by an 11-year-old using his cellphone.
In this state of affairs, and with a repetition of sightings of objects against the light of the sun, EL LIBERAL contaced Fabio Zerpa – an acknolweledged scholar of extraterrestrial phenomena – over the phone. While he was unable to speak as to the authenticity of these sighitngs, Zerpa reported that Santiago del Estero is an area of UFO sightings.
He recalled at this point that “sightings have been reported in Santiago del Estero since the 1970s, such as the notorious case involving the green UFOs that extracted urnaium from the Frías region, as seams of this mineral can be found in the mineralogy maps of the area. Moreover, Zerpa added: “Contacts with alien objects are all of the first kind (CE-1), but there is no information regarding landings.”
Dealing specifically with the flying objects seen yesterday and Sunday in two different parts of the province, Zerpa noted: “This must be thoroughly researched, as we could be dealing with Russian or American rocketry debris orbiting the Earth before falling [to the ground]. There’s a junkyard of such satellite elements in space.”
As to the films and photos obtained by residents of Loreto and La Banda, the specialist noted: “The problem is that digital photo equiment isn’t always exact. In order to ascertain the truth of the photo, we would need a negative, which cannot be found in digital [cameras].”
He added, however: “In such cases, we must rely on eyewitness accounts, although it would be necessary to interrogate them to determine the circumstances under which these photos were taken, as we receive photos showing strange phenomena almost daily from various parts of the country.” He stressed: “We must have faith in that the witnesses photographed a UFO. But we must also consider that extraterrestrial artifacts come in 164 different shapes. Therefore, we must analyze the photos taken in Santiago to have a better idea of what’s going on.”
Yesterday’s alleged photos of UFO in La Banda were taken by Victor Agustin Vazquez, 11, a 7th grade student at the No.677 Gral. San Martin school of the neighborhood bearing the same name. The minor told El LIBERAL that he is passionate about natural phenomena, and recalls: “In 2008 I took some photos of a powerful storm, and when I enlarged it, I saw dark outlines resembling a craft.” Yesterday’s photo was taken at 13:30 hours by Victor Augustin himself, but from the roof of his uncle Fernando Vazquez’s home in Barrio Virgen de Lourdes.
Five hours later, Fernando photographed the sun again and a dark, oval figure was reproduced.
(Translation (c) 2010, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez)
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