Argentina: More on the Chicoana Crop Circles

Source: Diario Contexto
Date: 11.10.10
Argentina: Mysterious Circles in the Wheat Fields of Salta – UFO or Natural Phenomenon?
While hundreds of curiosity seekers arrive, digital cameras in hand, to record the new manifestations of “The Chicoana Prints” in Salta, numerous reports are emerging with regard to sightings that occurred prior to the agriglyphs (circles and giant drawings in cultivated fields) being reported in the wheat fields of Las Mesitas, along the access route to the town on provincial highway 32.
Moreover, the communal association of this town will ask the owner of the private field to demarcate the area in which the event occurred in order it may be studied by ufologists and specialists before being harvested.
Farmers and their combines may erase these figures in coming days.
“We don’t want a repetition of 2008, when we didn’t even have time to make aerial photos of these strange geometric drawings in the Chicoana fields. There must be a reason for having these events repeat during the same season,” stated Rafael Romano, governing secretary of the local communal association, as he confirmed the planning of aerial views from various sectors of the town in the next 24 hours.
Public opinion regarding the curious event is divided between skeptics and followers of the UFO phenomenon.
“The ears of wheat are tilted without suffering any harm whatsoever, as if something strange had rested upon the field. They are identical to the ones that appeared in Tilián two years ago,” according to a renowned teacher of the Islas Malvinas learning center in Chicoana.
“The marks appeared over days, gradually. It didn’t happen in a single day. These shapes appeared in their entirety only in those fields. People have not reported any strange sightings in recent days to the sheriff’s office. It seems to be something related to the winds,” was the statement given by Sgt. Luis Paz of the local police headquarters.
However, residents of Chicoana and La Merced claim having seen, in recent days, luminous objects flying around at low altitude and noiselessly.
“We were fishing at the Cabra Corral reservoir in the area known as San Vicente, when a powerful light crossed the reservoir at around 2 in the morning, at low altitude and without making a sound. We thought it was an aircraft in distress. However, as it neared the shore, it was larger and left a wake on the water’s surface. It passed over our heads. As it followed its trajectory, it lost itself over the hills of La Candelaria, over in Chicoana,” reported Luis Pastrana, a resident of the town of La Merced, who witnessed – along with six companions – the sighing of a UFO some 20 kilometers distant from Las Mesitas.
(Translation (c) 2010. S. Corrales, Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)
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