Argentina: Researcher Challenges Official UFO Commission

Source: Diario Popular (Argentina)
Date: 06.19.2011
Argentina: Researcher Challenges Official Commission Over Ituzaingó UFO
By Sebastián Aranguren
The enigmatic sequence of UFO cases recorded in recent times over Ituzaingó in Western Greater Buenos Aires has led ufologist Luis Burgos to launch a challenge against the recently created Comisión de Investigaciones de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales (CIFA), urging it to discuss the chain of events that now numbers dozens of witnesses in that sector of Greater Buenos Aires. The Ituzaingó events resulted in a flurry of media coverage which brought to light the manifestations of strange, unidentified flying objects plowing the nation’s airspace without any official clarification on the bizarre situation. From the organization he leads – Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) Burgos was among the first ufologists to popularize the subject by reporting on a series of phenomena taking place in precisely the area that now concentrates the attention of scholars, journalists and curiosity-seekers, and which he dubbed “The Western Corridor” (Corredor del Oeste, in Spanish). In the preliminary investigations he has performed, as he advised Expedientes Secretos, the cases occurring at Ituzaingó are not necessarily framed within manifestations of alien intelligence, but rather “the possibility that they may be U.S. or Israeli experimental aircraft.” Speaking in a personal capacity rather than as director of his UFO research organization, and RADIO, the researchers’ collective that he presides, Burgos railed against CIFA, believing that the specialized commission must “at least issue an official communiqué about what’s going on in Ituzaingó.”
In conversation with Expedientes Secretos, Burgos stated that the current wave of cases detected over Ituzaingó began last March and noted in this regard that the two and a half months elapsed since the first sightings merit “an explanation or at least information” on the cases on the part of the organization constituted by elements of the Argentinean Air Force and ufologists of national renown.
Instead, Burgos remarked: “we are faced with absolute silence...if we have a phenomenon occurring as close at hand as Ituzaingó, and a research commission engaged in these matters, why it has not become involved in the situation cannot be understood.” The official silence noted by Burgos has given rise to speculation that the unidentified flying objects in Western Greater Buenos Aires “are triangular super-secret aircraft” whose design and operation Burgos attributes to the United States and Israel. What is taking place in Ituzaingó, in Burgos’s opinion, “may go beyond a conventional phenomenon with UFO characteristics.” In other words, he said “it may be placed within both a terrestrial and extraterrestrial context, and the Commission should account for it.”
(Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)
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