Thursday, October 27, 2011

Expediente OVNI - Second Issue

Expediente OVNI No. 2 – An Editorial by José M. Echeverría

[Contributing editor José M. Echeverría has posted the latest issue of his new publication Expediente OVNI. This second issue (Vol 1. No.2) tackles a subject that may seem conspiracy-minded, but is documented fact: the extent to which human experimentation has been conducted in Puerto Rico with by government agencies and by private companies--SC]

Puerto Rico is currently undergoing one of the most critical stages in history. Aside from the fact that the current political system isn’t working and the ones that follow it will have a hard time facing the government’s current status. Much work must be done to face rampant crime, corruption, high-energy costs, and political scandal. Economic collapse is imminent. Factories are shutting down and leaving the island. Unemployment has reached alarming levels, and many times these things reach such a level that the human psyche seeks an escape valve, in many instances creating phenomena and perhaps distractions to avoid waking up and facing what the not-too-distant future holds for us. Secret experiments, experiments involving human beings in our society, contravene scientific ethics, making us the victims of a group of fascists – elite racists – within a hidden government that is killing us little by little. The sheep cannot see beyond the pen in which the allegedly feel “safe”. But some of these sheep have seen beyond the pen, and know what is going on in their surroundings – things that the masters do not want them to know, and knowledge is power.

People live within the comfort of government aid, creating a number of parasites within society, undermining the true purpose of assistance tendered to persons in real need. Some of the country’s media have given full rein to individuals seeking recognition, completely ignorant of cases that take place in our country by chance, and creating a bad impression of the true researchers who muddy their boots in the field. What would our ancestors say of the level we have achieved? Anthropology, which studies human beings and past cultures, may give us the key to survive our sorrowful current reality. The planet Earth is in constant change – cyclical changes that each being on this planet must be aware of and in tune with. Those who resist these changes are affected by them in one way or another, and for that reason our forebears lived in harmony with nature, abiding by the natural harmony between man and Mother Nature.

[The full issue is free for download at]

Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU.