Argentina: Another UFO in Gualcamayo?

Source: Diario de Cuyo (San Juan, Argentina)
Date: 15 Nov 2011
Another UFO in Gualcamayo?
Favio Cabrera - Diario de Cuyo
11.15.11 - JACHAL - "I always go around with a camera because I enjoy taking pictures of everything. And this one of the weird object I discovered in a matter of hours, because at the time we saw nothing strange in the sky," said Nicolás, a worker at Jáchal, the Gualcamayo mine. The miner photographed an ovoid shape crossing the sky over a summit near a mineral conveyor belt. And the alleged UFO in the area was reminiscent of the sighting reported in 2008 by some 20 equipment operators -- an event that coincided with a loss of power to the equipment, according to witnesses.
Nicolás (who chose not to reveal his surname due to work-related matters) was traveling in a truck with a friend who asked to borrow the camera. The person held it through the open window and took a shot a random. "At night I looked over the photos and saw that strange thing. I zoomed in with the camera and it seemed like a moving object. I think that it went by very quickly and that's why we didn't see it, but the camera picked it up," said the worker. According to Nicolás, only a small group of his co-workers at Jáchal saw the image, but then his wife uploaded it to Facebook where it gained popularity. "Those who saw the photo at work were frozen, and no one dares say that it isn't a UFO," he said, adding: "what you see there isn't a spot on the windshield, because the shot wasn't taken from the inside of the truck. It isn't a spot on the camera lens either. I never saw anything like it before, and to tell you the truth, I have no idea of what it could be."
This isn't the first time that something strange has been reported in the skies over Gualcamayo. In 2008, an object was reported that looked curiously like the one photographed days ago. On December 20 of that year, on the day of an intense earthquake that affected the province, some 20 operators belonging to a mining company were returning to their shanty from the work area and saw a strange object in the sky. They followed it by sight until remained motionless, vanishing from sight later on, according to reports.
Simultaneously, but in the drilling area, workers remarked that a powerful buzzing sound could be heard while the UFO was in the sky and that all machines stopped working at the same time. That year, another sighting -- this time at Pie de Palo, Caucete -- was added to the one in Gualcamayo, and was also picked up by cameras.
(Translate (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)
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