Peru: A Recent Airliner-UFO Near Miss?

Synchronicity is an amazing thing. Just as we were posting our article on UFOs and airliners ("The Uneasy Skies") contributing editor Guillermo Giménez made us aware of this incident in Perú, which allegedly took place on July 22, 2016. The source is Radio Santiago (Chile) and the accompanying text reads thus:
"A luminous UFO was recorded as it flew very close to an airliner. It was taken in the city of Trujillo, Perú, on 22 July 2016. The images were shared on YouTube by user OVNIS ACTUALES on 23 July 2016.
"The clip shows a luminous object crossing the sky at high speed. As the witness records the transit of a commercial airplane, the UFO passes very close to the ceraft. The witnesses did his best to follow the object, but it vanished from sight on account of its speed."
A meteorite, space debris or something truly unknown? The video can be seen at:
Our thanks to Guillermo for this material!
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