Argentina: Luis Burgos Forecasts a UFO-Active 2018

Argentina: Luis Burgos Forecasts a UFO-Active 2018
“A year of greater UFO activity is forecast throughout the country.”
Article by Sebastián Aranguren for Mas Allá del Misterio (Diario Popular)
A renowned ufologist has stated that 2018 will be a year with greater UFO activity, having its epicenter in the environs of Buenos Aires, Cordoba and the Patagonian region, especially in the summer, where the most striking phenomena will involve "lights" and black flying triangles, among others.
Luis Burgos, who heads the Fundacion Argentina de Ovnilogia (FAO) and Investigadores de Campo OVNI Unidos (ICOU), told Mas Alla del Misterio that the year starting tomorrow will have have many more cases than those recorded in 2016 and 2017.
Burgos's opinion is backed by the Decimal Hypothesis, a working tool developed by the researcher in 1985, upon discovering that a significant portion of mass UFO presences tended to repeat with gaps over time.
Using this consideration as a basis, the expert noted that "the biggest UFO flaps" recorded in the country took place in 1968 and 1978, suggesting that years ending in 8 are prone to phenomena of this sort.
While the years 1988 and 1998 had fewer cases than the two previously mentioned years, UFO activity was "also intense." He admits, however, that in recent years the frequency and quantity of UFO episodes "has been on the decline" as has been the trend of the past two years.
"We are bringing 2017 to a close with only a hundred reports, of which the better known were the hoaxed cases," Burgos declared, reminding us that the UFO phenomenon is "both cyclical and fluctuating" since "the last worldwide flap in 1968."
Stressing his database, which contains over 5500 cases recorded from 1947 to the present, the expert noted that even when he lacked all that information, repetition of UFO manifestations "was clearly visible", which encouraged him to work out the Decimal Hypothesis.
"It's as though the recorded phenomena return, at a given point and time, to the same place," Burgos notes, in the light of a situation that lacks any logical explanation, for the moment, that allows us to solve the equation that may aid us in better understanding the phenomenon.
Expanding on the concept, Burgos detailed that repetition of the phenomena "occurs most assiduously every ten years," giving rise to large flaps. If the one he predicts for 2018 comes about, it would be the eleventh to take place in Argentina since 1947.
While larger waves include the various aspects of the UFO phenomenon, the ICOU member stated that the "luminous and undecipherable points of light are being reported nearly every night and therefore, their presence will continue to stand out."
He assigns a similar likelihood to the black flying triangles. "We have been seeing them regularly in recent years," he maintains, while considering that the setting for such displays during the 2018 UFO wave would be "areas of the province of Buenos Aires, Cordoba and Patagonia."
With the aim of clarifying his explanation, Luis Burgos specified that a UFO flap is understood to be the "entirety of manifestations of all types which take place during a given span of time, whether weeks or months." The ufologist explained that these case histories include the finding of ground traces, sightings in the skies, bolides, mysterious explosions in the atmosphere, automobile or airplane chases and the presence of humanoids. "This does not include fraud and confusions," he added ironically.
[Translation (c) 2017 by Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology]
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