Argentina: Did a UFO Nearly Collide With a Stunt Plane in Varese?

Source: PLANETA UFO and La Capital de Mar Del Plata (Argentina)
Date: 22 February 2018
Argentina: Did a UFO Nearly Collide With a Stunt Plane in Varese?
A reader of LA CAPITAL recorded a strange object coming far too close to a stunt plane over Playa Varese.
An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) seems to be flying right behind the stunt airplane the usually thrills beachgoers with its acrobatics, as shown in a video submitted by a reader of LA CAPITAL.
The interesting sequence was recorded on Gustavo Galarza's iPhone on 18 February as he headed to work on a bicycle. He witnessed the airplane doing cartwheels in the sky, and surprised by the spectacle offered by the flying machine in the Torreon del Monje area, he decided to shoot some slow-motion footage. "When I played back the video, I zoomed in and suddenly saw a white dot flying past at full speed."
While it is difficult to see it at first, the object appears over the airplane's tail at the 13-second mark. The zoom frame improves the sighting. At the end of the video, there is another close-up showing the UFO flying at top speed, despite the slow-motion effect.
This isn't Galarza's first sighting. On November 5, 2017, the man was pedaling his way to work on a rainy day, recording the storm on his phone in hopes of catching a lightning bolt. "I watched the playback when I got to work and saw a white dot flying amid the clouds."
[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
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