Operación NOA - Remembering the Belén UFO Case

Source: ICOU (Argentina)
Date: 05.30.2018
Operación NOA - Remembering the Belén UFO case
By Luis Burgos
A controversial case occurred in this locality of Catamarca in the late 1950s. Fernando Arquibola García claimed to have made contact with a "cylindrical" UFO resting vertically over a road in Belén at noon on January 1, 1958.
While the percipient was not aware of the presence of any occupants (beings), he perceived "voices" in Spanish issuing from within the object, sending out messages.
Whether the case is real or a fabrication, what makes it special is that it is apparently the first case involving the non-telepathic transmission of messages without visible entities in sight, but with a UFO in plain sight! Either the humanoids chose to refuse to disembark from their craft or telepathic communication wasn't fully perfected at the time (?). Argentinean ufology never recorded a similar case again.
[Translation (c) 2018 S. Corrales, IHU]
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