Argentina: UFO Landing Traces in Cordoba (1986)

Source: El Día (newspaper) and Marcelo Metayer
Date: 06 February 1986
Argentina: UFO Landing Traces in Cordoba (1986)
An unidentified flying object (UFO) has left landing traces in the mountain ranges surrounding Cordoba.
The flying saucer, witnessed by a large number of people on the evening of 9 January, allegedly caused a burn mark measuring approximately a hundred meters in diameter and the charred remains of two head of cattle.

The fact was discovered by a group of local residents who embarked upon an amateur investigation prompted by having seen the object back in January.
According to reports from those who witnessed the UFO in flight and its subsequent landing a little less than a month ago, they said it was a large craft. At first they were only able to see a swinging light that resembled a flattened ball full of portholes, with a bright red light that turned on and off intermittently.
Nearly all agreed that the object's landing site was charred.
After having organized the expedition and waiting a judicious amount of time, the enthusiastic witnesses were able to find the exact landing site. All of Capilla del Monte is in an uproar by the phenomenon, although some state that they are quite accustomed to such manifestations, although never with a landing.
This is not an isolated fact. There has been talk of sightings throughout the country in recent days, heralding a prolific year for manifestations of this sort.
[Translation (c) 2018 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Marcelo Metayer]
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