Mexico: UFOs a Persistent Presence in Southern Baja California

Source: Noticias La Paz (Mexico) and Planeta UFO
Date: 04.08.2019
An article by Gilberto Ortega Avilés
Mexico: UFOs a Persistent Presence in Southern Baja California
A strange green light was seen falling very close to the city on April 3rd; there were numerous witnesses.
A series of strange sightings that coincided with blackouts throughout the state in September of las year caught the attention the national media, which linked it to frequent UFO encounters in Tijuana.
It seemed that these sightings over our peninsula had ceased. However, researcher Martín Alonso Nuñez, who constantly investigates and seeks out this phenomenon, managed to obtained evidence in January of this year, having recorded an unidentified flying object over the city of La Paz.
The Baja California peninsula appears to be a magnet not only for domestic and international tourism. Judging by the number of sightings, it would seem that intergalactic tourism is a factor as well.
In 1990, several families of the Alvaro Obregón ejido (communal land farm), located some 30 kilometers from the city of La Paz, claimed to have witnessed the ascent and descent of strange and unknown objects all night and into the early morning hours. The witnesses told the Diario Ultimas Noticias newspaper that that on July 6, 1999, the noise coming from the hill was deafening, and that they had never seen anything like it. It made them nervous and concerned.
The Castro Valdez and Albañez Díaz families told the press that the noise emanating from the hill was completely unknown, but resembled that of a jet or hundreds of motorcycles.
They pointed at the hill, saying that a very bright light emanated from it, looking as if hundreds of photographs were being taken at that location.
On the next day, they visited the site and found evidence that a large object had fallen there, as ground marks were in evidence. Furthermore, the entire area was burned, giving off a strange odor they could not readily identify.
Some youths claimed having visited the hill that very same night, and had found many people with scientific equipment and cameras, analyzing and photographing the marks left behind by the UFO. They couldn't identify the people, saying only that they were foreign-looking.
UFOs were also seen over the following days toward Los Barriles and the city of La Paz, and there were witnesses to these events.
A year earlier, in 1989, an impressive and by no means isolated case occurred involving a native of the state of Michoacán, who claimed having had a less-than-pleasant encounter with space beings.
Other events were reported in Ciudad Constitución. The police statement taken on the events in Benito Juarez, near Ciudad Constitución, read as follows: "Mister Silvestre Rodriguez Garcia said in his own words that he had injured himself in a moment of nervousness, as his family is disappearing, because some extraterrestrials have an invisible device with which they make people disappear. Out of all my family, I'm the only one left."
This person was committed to a mental health facility and nothing further was ever heard of the case, which was left to the imagination and consideration of the public at large.
Los Cabos also has a considerable number of UFO sightings every year. In the '90s, these increased in an incredible manner, with hundreds of witnesses, appearing in several newspapers, such as the one dated January 16, 1993, when many strange lights were seen flying in the city's periphery, particularly in the "El Zacatal" district, where they were seen by many. According to an anonymous witness: "We used to sleep outdoors back then, and we had the chance to see those lovely lights traveling at impressive speed toward the hill."
[Translation © 2019 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO]
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