Spain: Ministry of Defense Declassifies UFO Cases Recorded in Alicante

Source: PLANETA UFO and
(News Item originally appeared on 10.25.2016)
Date: 07.25.2019
Spain: Ministry of Defense Declassifies UFO Cases Recorded in Alicante
An object plunging into the sea at Benidorm and others floating in the air just a few of the cases featured in the files.
The Ministry of Defense has published digitized versions of 80 declassified reports – a total of 1900 pages of “UFO Files” throughout Spain, including sightings that occurred in the province of Alicante or recorded by air squadrons based in this location.
Thus, the Alcoy-based Squadron 5 recorded the following incidents:
1975 – 28 July. 0530 Hours. An object flies over the EVA-5 radar installation at low altitude witnessed by several subofficers. A radar echo motionless over the sea was picked up shortly before.
1979 – 6 February. 2117 Hours. Mediterranean, near Baleares. Multiple lights sighted from the butane carrier Tamames; the EVA-5 and Pegaso radars pick up echoes over the sea. A possible exercise involving paratroopers, still to be determined.
1979 – 13 March. 1059. EVA-5 and Pegaso detect an unknown echo heading toward the Spanish Peninsula. Mirage III scrambled from Manises. No visual contact.
1986 – 26 April, 1800 Hours. EVA-5 observes an object plunging into the sea at Benidorm. The Guardia Civil (state police) is notified.
1986 – 26 July. 2300 Hours. EVA-5 picks up an unknown echo on the Baleares to Cadiz route.
In the document dated 13 July 1994, Jacar Aitana-EVA-5, under the heading “Sightings of Strange Phenomena in National Airspace’, states that it has no information on the 1975 and 1979 incidents, but it provides information on the following, garnered from the operations squadron.
It states that on 24 April 1986, at 0622 hours, strange objects were seen between 100 and 120 degrees between 100 and 110 miles. Median altitude between 8000 and 11000 feet. They did not change position.
Two days later, at 1930 hours, the radar switched to manual to track an unknown object a 180 degrees 40NM. 39000 feet. Two Mirage fighters are launched from Manises.
In July 26 of that year, at 1229 Hours, manual altitude for an unknown object at 150 degrees NM, 29000 feet.
In another file dated 25 June 1981 there is a discussion concerning a letter sent by a private party to the Air Force Chief of Staff describing a sighting of an object that flew over his apartment in
Alicante as he stood in the terrace. The document cautions that this letter ‘should have not merited the opening of a file, since even though a possible sighting was involved, the submitter’s intention was to recommend the capture of one of these objects for study. It should have been brought to a close with a timely reply and filed away as UFO-related correspondence.’
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