Sunday, December 03, 2023

Chile: Expectation in Antofagasta - Flying Disc Sighted (1948)


Source: Las Ultimas Noticias (Chile) and IIEE Chile
Date: January 28, 1948

Chile: Expectation in Antofagasta - Flying Disc Sighted (1948)

Thousands of residents of Antofagasta claim having witnessed a bright "flying disc" approaching from some point in the northern sky at high speed. All agree that the disk must have flown a thousand meters over the mountain tops that follow the coastline.

The fact that the strange phenomenon - which was not seen to fall - has dispelled the notion that it was a meteorite.

The apparition of the "disc" has given rise to a variety of comments in the northern city, causing expectation among those who saw it.

[Translation (c) 2023 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Raúl Núñez, IIEE CHILE]