Monday, December 04, 2023

Spain: The Astonishing Case of "The Two Astronauts" (1982)

Source: Encuentros, La Historia de los OVNIS en España by Iker Jiménez
Location: Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz)
Date: July 20, 1982

Spain: The Astonishing Case of "The Two Astronauts"

One of the strangest cases of this brief but intense wave of sightings in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula in 1982 involved the young farmer who went by the initials A.M. On that day, and in broad daylight, A.M. traveled between the communities of Medina Sidonia and Vejer de la Frontera.

In the outskirts of Vejer de la Frontera, A.M.'s motorcycle went on the blink, almost causing him to fall to the ground. Lacking the tools with which to make repairs, the young biker realized there was nothing left to do except to walk the stricken motorcycle into town and hope for the best.

It was then that he took notice of a strange object he'd seen earlier, but had taken for some kind of tanker truck. He now realized the object was in fact a twelve meter long grey cylinder. Beside this unusual object stood two figures in form fitting pressure suits, standing in excess of two meters tall.

"One of them," writes Iker Jiménez, "looked at the biker fixedly. The other figure rested its hands on the barbed wire fencing near the strange artifact. As soon as they became aware of A.M's presence, the two beings, wearing large fishbowl helmets made of a material resembling glass, walked toward the object in slow motion, according to the eyewitness's description, much like astronauts on the surface of the Moon. They entered the UFO through a hatch, and the object rose into the air noiselessly. A.M. witnessed the object's silent ascent into the heavens for some minutes. He could barely bring himself to believe what his eyes had just seen."