Argentina: Are UFOs Flying Over the Mountain Ranges?

Source: El Diario de Carlos Paz (Carlos Paz, Argentina)
Date: 11.22.2011
Argentina: Are UFOs Flying Over the Mountain Ranges?
VILLA CARLOS PAZ, ARGENTINA - The UFO phenomenon has not ended over the mountain ranges of Cordoba and the world's attention is drawn once more to the phenomenon after a couple of tourists from Buenos Aires and a businessman claimed having taken photographs of possible sightings. The first of these cases took place weeks ago in the locality of Capilla del Monte; the second involved a real estate agent from the town of Mendiolaza, who also claims having recorded the movement of a flying object in the sky.
According to the images displayed on the C5N television channel, the photos taken at Valle de Punilla show a black spot over Mount Uritorco which prompted investigation by a local UFO group. Meanwhile, an image circulated through several Internet portals, taken by a real estate salesman, who claims having detected "a spaceship" as he downloaded a photograph of a property for sale.
These last two cases are added to the number of stories that attribute the properties of an "intergalactic portal" to the region, a point of constant access for vehicles. The fact is that the mountain ranges hold magnetic properties that make them a unique enclave, according to those who specialize in this type of research and who study the collected materials.
(Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)
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